One of the critical things that modern business facilities need is a way to monitor and restrict access to their private network through the Network Access Control or NAC. Let’s talk about NAC and how this model works for you.
Network Access Control or also known as network admission control, is a way of securing and limiting the access of users to a proprietary network. It bolsters security, visibility, and access to network resources and restricts availability of a network to endpoint devices and users. Simply put, NAC keeps unauthorized users and devices out of a private network.
These days is all about network accessibility and security, especially for businesses. With thousands of users that pass through our doors and all of the cybersecurity threats entailed, the wisest choice for any business with its own corporate network is to pay special attention to its network security through a network access control.
What NAC does is that it protects the functionality of the network, thereby ensuring that only users and devices with authorization are able to access it. As a business, you can make sure that such users are secure, clean, and definitely are who they say they are. These days, NAC tools can be varied but most of them are able to restrict network access and demand adherence to certain security policies. This means that users have to go through security patches and anti-intrusion software which highlights security requirements for a network.
NAC can also provide endpoint security protection such as anti-virus software, firewall and vulnerability assessment with security enforcement policies and authentication methods.
One of the best features of a Network Access Control is that it limits network access to specific users and to specific areas of the network. So in this instance, a user may have access to a general network but perhaps limited to internal resources of the network. In fact, this kind of network control allowed Target to maintain its security against a 3rd party when it tried to hack into its system in 2013. In addition, NAC also allows higher management or high-tier employees to restrict the access of lower-level employees to data and other network resources with “authorized personnel only” clearance.
Finally, NAC allows you to block devices and users that don’t comply to company’s security policies. This ensures that a virus won’t be able to enter the network from outside the organization.
Network Access Control provides numerous advantages for many organizations. It provides a stronger and more comprehensive network control and maximizes your security assets in the company. You won’t have to worry about valuable information leaking out to the public because you’ve managed your network access down to the last potential endpoint user. More than that, your IT Department won’t have to grasp at straws because you’ve given them the power to have access control and be able to monitor data and network usage. With NAC, you’ve essentially leveled up and empowered your business.
If you want to learn more about Network Access Control or any of the other solutions we offer, reach out to Isotropic Networks, and let us help you improve your business!