Bandwidth Management: Everything You Need to Know

We’ve all been in that situation where our Internet speed suddenly slows down while we’re in the middle of an important Zoom meeting. The audio and video turn glitchy and you basically miss the crucial parts of the meeting. The reason for this is that multiple people are using your Internet bandwidth at the same…

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Next Generation Cyber Security : What You Need to Know

Ask any satellite communication specialist and they’ll tell you that cyber security should be a priority whether you’re running a small startup business or managing a large multinational company. The good news is that cyber security is continuously evolving, with bigger and betters solutions being introduced every year. The only thing that businesses must do…

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What You Need to Know About VSAT Internet

CAN VSAT PROVIDE INTERNET CONNECTION? The world has definitely come a long way in terms of connectivity. In fact, most places already have Internet connection, especially since it has now become a must for communication, business, entertainment and just the need for information. Unfortunately, there are still areas that hasn’t been reached by copper or…

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Why the Internet is Vital in the Maritime Industry

THE INTERNET’S ROLE IN KEEPING THE MARITIME INDUSTRY CONNECTED It’s no secret that the maritime industry has struggled with connectivity for many years. Being at sea and not having any forms of communication to land has posed limitations to the operations of maritime companies and it has also made it harder for seafarers to get in touch…

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VSAT Emergency Services: Reliable Connection to Save Lives when it Matters Most

In times of crisis or natural disasters, reliable communication is essential for effective emergency response and saving lives. Traditional communication infrastructures often suffer from disruptions during such critical situations, making it challenging to establish and maintain connections when it matters most. However, with VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)  emergency services, organizations and response teams can…

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